The International Banking System: Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses and Risk Management Felix Lessambo

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Felix Lessambo - «The International Banking System: Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses and Risk Management»

О книге

The International Banking System is an indispensable tool for financial and banking experts around the world. It provides original insight as to the regulatory and legal challenges facing central key banks in the monitoring of international banking operations. Through its detailed analysis of core banking operations, The International Banking System provides professionals, as well as students involved in the banking industry (regulators, auditors), the relevant details, approaches, and answers to complex financial issues. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The International Banking System: Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses and Risk Management (Felix Lessambo)

Полное название книги Felix Lessambo The International Banking System: Capital Adequacy, Core Businesses and Risk Management
Автор Felix Lessambo
Ключевые слова финансы, инвестиции, банковское дело
Категории Деловая литература, Банковское дело
ISBN 113727512
Год 2013
Название транслитом the-international-banking-system-capital-adequacy-core-businesses-and-risk-management-felix-lessambo
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the international banking system: capital adequacy, core businesses and risk management felix lessambo